
Susan's good mood at having Dawn and Cutie Judy and Meg send her some music has been temporarily obliterated by having to make nervous poops all the time because she got in trouble at Acme Sweatshop.

Susan works sixteen hours a day and sleeps on a little cot in the back but her boss still isn't happy with Susan's work. Susan understands that she's always in the middle of her own conflicts so she's not going to blame anything on anyone else, she's just going to figure it out. Until she does, she'll be sitting in the potty feeling like a failure.

In the midst of all this personal misery Susan missed her first bloggy anniversary! Was it really a year ago that her little Twisted Susan was all cute and brand new? Feel free to check out her virgin post, it's not very exciting but it was a start.

And, Susan's not done campaigning for her musical reciprocity project. She went to the library today, paid her $4.65 in fines and came home with a crap load of CDs, didn't like any of them and forgot to look in the magazine recycling bin, drats.