Susan is jealous of people who have book clubs. Not only is it a way to force yourself to read a book, it's also something to do once a month.
Susan wanted to start a book club and inquired of her little sister if she knew any smart readers.
No James Patterson types, no one under 40, no aggressive talkers and no one who lived too far away.
Susan's little sister claimed not to know anyone who fit that criteria. Furthermore, she declined membership for herself claiming that she had no time to read an entire book.
You can't read a book in a month? Susan asked in an agitated manner and ultimately hounded her little sister into an exasperated acceptance.
Next she texted a neighborhood girlfriend while she daydreamed about what cocktails and little foody things she would serve at book club.
No thanks, I don't care for book clubs was the texted response.
Susan was out of people to invite.
So, Susan is the President of her Tiny Book Club and her little sister is Seargant at Arms. They'll enthusiastically accept any recommendations for something to read.