
Susan used to write then she stopped. 

She didn't stop wanting to write, she just stopped writing, and then went all in with the non-writing. Susan doesn't know why she stopped, she figures it's got something to do with depression, but a few small personal revelations over the last 24 hours have made her think she can give it a go again. She's super out of practice and is going to schedule time every day to write her BLAHg. Since writing doesn't necessarily mean posting, she's going to commit to posting every day. Susan's not sure for how long, but is comfortable leaving that up in the air.

Fun facts about Susan's personality: She absolutely requires the structure of a schedule in order to get anything done. She also thinks she has pandemic PTSD from working remotely for twenty two months.

Just in case any of you are fixin' to be worried about Susan, she asks that you save it for someone else. Neither alcohol nor retail consumption have increased over this time period although she may have gained ten pounds in cookie weight and bought some second hand books. She even responded to the discovery that there was not a dribble of water coming out of her faucets with calm and decisive measures. 

So, happy 2022 guys, Susan will meet you back here tomorrow.