
Susan wished someone boo-guy instead of goodbye recently. That sounds kind of cute doesn't it? 
Well, it's NOT. 
There are mounds of evidence stacked against Susan's brain for this type of nonsense.
Two minutes ago she mistakenly called the son's cooler a backpack. She attempted to correct herself by then calling it a coldpack.
There are gaps in her sentences while she hunts for her next word. She's not referring to anything tricky like obfuscation or corpulent, she's getting jammed up by hamburger bun and dishwasher.
Holy crap, Batman.
She forgot that she owed her little sister several hundred dollars and when it was brought to her attention Susan said 'Really?' because even after that reminder she still didn't remember.
Susan writes down everything she needs to do lest it cease to exist beyond her next thought. She maintains a two page to-do list for use at Acme Sweatshop with a separate column for miscellaneous tasks under the heading OMG, there's MORE to do?
Susan appreciates everyone who tells her that this is a result of having too much on her mind but she knows they're lying.