
Susan disabled the word verification on her comments and heard an immediate cheer rise up from her pals The Zadge and MegYou'll never have to prove you're not a robot again. Never again!

As if that weren't enough to accomplish in one evening Susan also got herself a pedicure.

Susan is unlike most women in the fact that she's NOT a fan of pedicures. She finds it almost intolerable to have another person handle her feet. The scraping and clipping and digging and sanding is really beyond what she can put up with. However, she likes the warm water and some of the rubbing and, of course, the finished product. 

For weeks she's been unable to spend the hour it would take to prep and paint her feet, not to mention the bending over. Bending is horrible, every time she does it she b*tches until she's upright again.

Susan can b*tch, just ask her family.

But, it became imperative to get her toes in order when she switched to her summer shoes last weekend. As a concession to her age she thinks she's going to have to screw her courage to its sticking place and get a pedicure from now on. At least from May through October.