
Another symptom of Susan's Pandemic PTSD is her prolonged lack of motivation to get stuff done. Some folks might argue that this resembles her normal state and they wouldn't necessarily be wrong. However, it's going on for a really long time and Susan doesn't feel like she can change it. She's not non-functioning, it's just she can't do some things at all

Work has become a real problem, she takes lots of breaks to go out into the yard and throw sticks around with the dog (sometimes getting bitten), or to the bathroom to scrub the mineral deposits from her toilet with a pumice stone, or scroll through FB Marketplace searching for a tall rice paper lamp to put in the northwest corner of her den, or check the possibility that one her plants need water.  But, she always returns to her job of pressing buttons on a keyboard until she can't stand it one second longer, then gets up to look out the window with her gold opera glasses (a Christmas present from her Little Sister for when they see Hamilton from the cheap seats) or make a snack of chocolate chips mixed directly into a jar of peanut butter, or check her traps for dead mice (usually empty).

Sometimes feeding herself is an issue, like she just went thru a period where any meal not provided at her sister's house (many are) was a bowl of cereal. Quite honestly she was just in a mood to eat cereal combined with being in a mood not to cook anything. 

Susan has a ton of tiny little home projects, most completely within her ability and not more than a few hours work, but she just can't. She wants to, but she can't. She is considering making a list of everything that needs to be done, so maybe she's getting ready to get ready. We'll see.

Anyway, even though Susan took a nap directly after she logged off work today, she's still tired and is going to say seeya tomorrow.